Site Remediation
Complex site remediation projects must integrate PFAS destruction to avoid shipping hazardous materials off-site. Our PFAS destruction systems can be brought on-site to dispose of remediation byproducts, integrating well with most standard soil remediation treatment trains.

We can work with your team to reduce overall project costs while improving environmental compliance and reducing liability.

Soil Washing

While soil washing reduces the volume of PFAS-impacted material for disposal, it produces several byproducts which need disposal (soil wash water, soil fines).

Integrating HALT into the treatment train allows for safe and effective treatment of concentrated liquid byproducts.

Thermal Desorption

Thermal Desorption  is an effective method to volatilize PFAS from impacted soils, converting PFAS into a thermal vapor condensate for secondary treatment.

Integrating HALT into the treatment train allows for safe and effective treatment of concentrated liquid byproducts.

Fire Training Ponds

Fire training ponds often contain PFAS in levels exceeding several parts-per-million (ppm), and liquids require complex treatment prior to disposal.

Integrating HALT into the treatment train allows for safe and effective treatment of concentrated liquid byproducts.